Feasibility study for the detection of metal hangers in wire mesh boxes

Playing it safe: We carried out a feasibility study for our customer to find metal hangers in wire mesh boxes using deep learning.

The metal hangers are placed in mesh boxes to be hardened in an oven. If hangers get caught in the mesh boxes during emptying, they go through the hardening process a second time. This leads to a loss of quality and to additional costs, the aim is to prevent this.

The aim of this feasibility study was to test whether the required inspection characteristics can be reliably recognized using industrial image processing. In the performed tests, the metal hangers were recognized with 100% accuracy, regardless of their position in the mesh box.

Results of the feasibility study:

Deep Learning

It is nearly impossible to recognize all metal hangers using conventional industrial image processing. This is because in certain positions, the hangers are very difficult to distinguish from the background due to the grid. Deep learning is used to solve this problem.

Deep learning is a method of machine learning and, put simply, artificial intelligence. The system is trained using provided images and is ideal for detecting anomalies on complex surfaces.

No faults detected

Empty wire mesh box without metal hangers, classified as IO by industrial image processing software.

This illustration shows an empty pallet cage in which no metal hangers were recognized. This box is therefore classified as IO.

Error on the ground

Fixed metal hanger at the bottom of the wire mesh box, recognized by the deep learning system in the feasibility study.

The system has recognized stuck metal brackets at the bottom of the mesh box.

Error in the corners

Stuck metal hangers in the corners of a mesh box recognized by industrial image processing during a proof of concept.

The system has recognized stuck metal hangers in the corners of the mesh box.

Error on the side wall

Stuck metal hangers on the side walls of a wire mesh box recognized by industrial image processing during a proof of concept.

The system has recognized metal hangers stuck to the side walls of the mesh box.

Detection of curved outer walls

Deformed outer walls of a pallet cage, recognized and excluded by deep learning in industrial image processing. Detect deformation proof of concept.

The deformation of the outer walls is generally not a reason for exclusion in this application, but it does lead to problems when detecting metal hangers that are located exactly under a bulge. Deep learning enables these deformations to be recognized automatically and the affected pallet cages to be excluded.

Advantages of a deep learning vision system for recognizing anomalies

Higher accuracy

In the test setup, the metal hangers were detected 100% of the time by the deep learning system.

Cost savings

You can save time and money by automating your optical inspection. Check your wire mesh boxes for anomalies easily and automatically.

System is easy to expand

If the system requirements change, for example due to different components or boxes, the system can be retrained to meet the new requirements.

Increased efficiency

The processing time in this application is approx. 1 second.

Are you also interested in feasibility studies?

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Christian Hanbauer
Test systems expert
+43 (664) 88 71 02 50

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