Feasibility studies - proof of concept

Play it safe & get answers to your unanswered questions!

A proof of concept (POC) is a critical step to ensure the feasibility of your concept. Before resources are invested in the full implementation, all open questions should be resolved. This is particularly important in the industrial sector, where efforts are usually high and error tolerances are low.

A POC provides a tangible representation of a concept that allows parties to test the idea under real-world conditions, highlight potential challenges, and evaluate the proposed facility investment.

Our team of experts has extensive experience and the necessary equipment to perform feasibility studies for testing systems. Wir setzen unser technisches Fachwissen und unsere Branchenkenntnisse ein, um maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zu entwickeln, die Ihren individuellen Anforderungen entsprechen.

Contact us to learn more about how our proof-of-concept solutions can help you achieve your business goals.

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Precisely tailored to your needs!

Advantages of a feasibility study (proof of concept)

Increase safety

By carrying out a feasibility study, the risks of a bad investment can be minimized, since it is clarified in advance whether the project is technically feasible at all under the required framework conditions.

Increase output

Our testing concepts pay particular attention to subsequent process reliability and the best possible output on the series test bench. In the course of this analysis, we determine the optimal equipment for your testing requirements!

Examples of already conducted feasibility studies

Are you also in need of a feasibility study?

AUTFORCE is a specialist in automated quality inspection. Get in touch with us. Together we will find the best solution for your project!

Christian Hanbauer
Head of Sales

+43 (664) 88 71 02 50

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