Make a difference: Sustainably & regionally!

AUTFORCE has been in business for more than 20 years now. Over the last few years, we have specialized from a pure programming service provider to a full-service provider for automated quality inspections. We want to support European production companies in sustainably securing their value added with the help of automation and digitization.

The only thing we still need to succeed? YOU! We are looking for people who are enthusiastic about what they do. If you are looking for a company that gives you the freedom and personal responsibility to bring out the best in you, then this is the right place for you.

Join our team in 3 easy steps

We like it simple and uncomplicated. You don’t have to go through an endless application process with us. We don’t ask you to take performance tests, and we don’t focus on spotless resumes. It is important to us to find out if your future job is what you are looking for and if you are a good fit for our company.

Loosely based on Simon Sinek:

We don’t hire for skills, we hire for attitude!

Contact us

re you motivated for your new job? Send us your resume!

Any unanswered questions? Don’t be shy! Just call us, we will be happy to take our time and answer your questions.

Getting to know each other

In a personal conversation, we find out if the open position is what you are looking for and if our values match. You can also get to know your new colleagues on a short tour round the company.

Welcome to the team

It’s a match! If both sides are excited about each other, nothing will get in the way of your first day at work. After the one-week onboarding, you can really get started.

Current vacancies

These benefits are waiting for you:

The right mindset

We do not believe in hierarchies and micromanagement. We are convinced that you can develop best when you get the freedom you need and take responsibility.

Further education

With us, you get the chance to constantly develop yourself and become an expert in your field. You also have the opportunity to develop yourself in other specialist areas, or to achieve a position as a manager.

Flexible working hours

Manage your own hours! The flexitime model makes it easier for you to balance your work and private life.

Health Promotion

Yeah, we also have the famous fruit basket. But we also offer height-adjustable desks and customized hearing protection to support your health.


Our company is located in Lebring, south of Graz. The train station is about 5 minutes away. If you drive to work, there are plenty of parking spaces available at our office.


Work hard, play hard. Rafting on the Salza or a city trip to Amsterdam? Be prepared for the next exciting team event!

Teamspirit at AUTFORCE

Rafting, soccer tournament, a relaxed bike ride through beautiful southern Styria, or just barbecue together. A good team spirit is important to us, which is why there are regular bigger or smaller events.

Want to learn more about our values and the origins of the company? Here is what you are looking for:

Our values

Our history

You still have questions?

Don’t be shy! Write us, call us, or check out the frequently asked questions. We will be very happy to take the time to answer all your open questions.

Stefanie Leersch
Human Resources
+43 (664) 966 36 69

Apply now


Ist die ausgeschriebene Stelle noch zu vergeben?

  • All the jobs you find on the website are still vacant. If the job is taken, the advertisement on the website is also no longer be active. However, you are still welcome to send us your application as a unsolicited application. It is possible that the position is planned for a later date and has not yet been published.

Das ausgeschriebene Stellenprofil passt nicht zu 100% mit meiner Erfahrung bzw. Kenntnissen überein. Soll ich mich trotzdem bewerben?

  • Absolutely! During a personal interview, we will find out how we can best use your strengths in our company.

Wie lange dauert es, bis ich eine Antwort auf meine Bewerbung erhalte?

  • We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible. Applications are regularly reviewed and discussed with the responsible persons in the particular department. This can take between two days and a maximum of one week.

Mit wie vielen Auslandseinsätzen pro Jahr muss ich rechnen?

  • Unfortunately, there is no general answer to this question, as it depends very much on the job itself. However, it will be mentioned in the job description or it will be discussed in detail in a personal interview.

Kann ich mich gleichzeitig auf mehrere Stellen bewerben.

  • Sure! It may happen that open positions have a similar job profile.

Bekomme ich einen Firmenwagen?

  • That depends on your position. There is a central policy that defines entitlements to company cars. First and foremost, this applies to our sales employees. For trips to the customer, there is of course a vehicle pool from which you can reserve a car.

Habe ich die Möglichkeit, im Home Office zu arbeiten?

  • Of course, that depends on your job. Basically, our teams decide on their own responsibility how they want to work. Our colleagues in software development, for example, have permanent home office days. Others prefer to work on-site.

News from AUTFORCE